Modes of Transportation

How Will I Commute?

Everyone faces a commute that's just a bit different. Each commuter should find a customized travel solution to meet their individual needs. The more choices that are available, the more opportunity there is to develop a personalized commute solution. Whether it's taking mass transit, carpooling, biking, or walking, commuters gravitate towards travel options that best fit their individual lifestyle and personal preferences. Below are options available to CSUDH students, faculty, and staff.


California's temperate year-round climate makes it a perfect place for bicycling. If you live within five miles of the campus, your commute time will be the same as if you drive, and parking is never a problem. Bicycling helps cut down on traffic congestion, is inexpensive, and is a healthy way to get to and from work. CSUDH commuters also have the option of taking their bicycles along when they travel bus routes, as the vehicles are equipped with bicycle racks. If you enjoy biking, be sure to obey all traffic laws, always wear a helmet, arrange for secure parking, and be familiar with routine needed repairs.

Employees who bike to the worksite at least three (3) days per week should register with the biking program. All cyclists are eligible to receive four (4) general parking passes per month. If a cyclist drives to the worksite and uses the general parking pass, they must park in general parking, not in carpool parking. Cyclists are also eligible for the Guaranteed Ride Home (GRH) program and have access to the campus lockers and shower facilities.

For general biking information please visit the following links:


It's easy to get to CSUDH by bus from most Los Angeles locations. Carson Circuit, Torrance Transit buses, Metro, and light rail provide direct service to most parts of campus. If you are commuting to CSUDH from outside Los Angeles, you can use Metrolink for quick and convenient connections. CSUDH also offers employees a monthly subsidy towards the purchase of a monthly Metrolink pass.

Please visit the links below for service, schedules, fares, and to help plan your commute to the campus:

In addition, the Metro Rail system is comprised of the Metro Blue, Green, Red, Purple, Gold, and Expo Lines. (Metro Maps)

  • The Metro Blue Line runs north and south between Long Beach and Los Angeles.
  • The Metro Green Line crosses the Blue Line, running east and west between Norwalk and Redondo Beach, curving south near the Los Angeles International Airport.
  • The Metro Purple Line subway shares six stations with the Red Line Downtown and continues to the Mid-Wilshire area.
  • The Metro Red Line subway meets the Blue Line in Los Angeles and provides service through Downtown, between Union Station, Hollywood and the San Fernando Valley, where it meets the Metro Orange Line transit way.
  • The Metro Gold Line connects with the Red Line at Union Station, and runs northeast to Pasadena. Free cultural and public transportation Tour Guide to the greater LA area.
  • The Metro Expo Line runs from Santa Monica to downtown Los Angeles, passing through the Exposition Park area.
  • Metrolink Trains.

Carpooling (also known as ridesharing) is shared use of a car, in particular for commuting to work, often by people who each have a car but travel together to save costs and in the interest of other socio-environmental benefits mentioned below.


  • Carpools save money. When someone shares a car/vehicle with other commuters, they save on fuel, parking, and vehicle maintenance costs.
  • Carpools decongest roads.
  • Carpools reduce pollution and carbon dioxide emissions, thereby reducing global warming.
  • Carpools reduce driving-related stress.


  • Drivers carry the additional burden of potential legal action from passengers in case of an accident.
  • Carpooling combines many of the disadvantages of public transportation (lack of privacy, not on-demand).
  • Tends to be rather complicated to organize seriously and can be difficult to keep together, due to changing travel patterns and needs.

Some helpful tips to get the most out of carpooling:

  • Determine a route and schedule. Establish a morning pickup point(s) and designate where to meet for the trip home.
  • Be punctual. Decide as a group how long the pool will wait for a passenger. The usual waiting time is 2 to 3 minutes.
  • Establish a cost sharing arrangement. If the members of your carpool do not share the driving equally, come to an understanding of how the costs will be shared and agree on payment dates.
  • Establish some ground rules about smoking, music, food, drinks, etc. Discuss possible irritants among the group. For example, some people may be sensitive to strong perfumes or colognes, or some may like quiet time in the morning.
  • Draw up a schedule for driving responsibilities. If all members of your carpool alternate driving, decide among yourselves if you want to alternate on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.
  • Drive carefully and keep the car clean, in good repair, and filled with enough gas for each trip. There should be no excuses for excessive speed, use of alcohol, or reckless maneuvers.
  • Set up a line of communication. If a driver is ill or will not be going to work one day, an alternate driver should be notified to ensure that other members or the carpool will have a ride. If a rider is ill or will not be working, the driver must be contracted as soon as possible. Ensure that everyone has a copy of home, work, and cell phone numbers. Don't forget to give notice of vacation, personal, or overtime plans.

Employee Requirements:

  • Must carpool a minimum of three days per week
  • Must report any changes (vehicle, partner, etc.)
  • Must exchange hanging carpool tags annually

The definition of an "employee" for the purposes of participation in the Rideshare program at CSUDH shall be any one of the following:

  1. State employee: Full- or part-time employee paid by the State of California. Employee must meet all other Rideshare criteria to participate, including participation in the annual Average Vehicle Ridership Survey (AVR).
  2. Foundation employee (ASI, USU): Full- or part-time employee paid by auxiliary funding source. Employee must meet all other Rideshare criteria to participate, including participation in the annual Average Vehicle Ridership Survey (AVR).

Now you can sit back and relax aboard Metrolink's comfortable, stress-free trains, and enjoy extra time to study, visit with friends, read a good book, or catch up on your sleep! Metrolink is the newest commuter rail system in Southern California.

  • Full-time CSUDH students can now save 50% on Metrolink tickets!
  • Full-time employees receive up to 40% reimbursement off the cost of their monthly pass.



We walk to our cars, why not walk all the way to work? It takes less than two minutes to enjoy a one block walk.

Anyone who lives within two miles of their destination can probably walk there in less than 30 minutes, and walking is one of the healthiest forms of exercise. Why not incorporate walking into your regular routine? Call it community hiking. You'll feel more fit and refreshed when you get there, and it will help keep you in shape for those weekend getaways.

Try to wear comfortable shoes. If you require dress shoes on the job, carry them along or leave a pair at work. Allow some extra time the first few days. That way, you won't feel so rushed, and you can explore your neighborhood.

Employees who walk to the worksite at least three (3) days per week should be registered in the walking program. All walkers are eligible to receive four (4) general parking passes per month. If a walker decides to drive to the worksite and use the general parking pass, they must park in a general parking space. Walkers are also eligible for the Guaranteed Ride Home (GRH) program and have access to campus lockers and showers facilities.



A vanpool is typically a group of 7 to 15 people who share their commute. The vanpool travels from home (or a prearranged meeting place) to work, school, or other destinations. There are three types of vanpools: owner-operated, third-party leased, or company-owned. To be cost-effective, a vanpool generally should travel at least 40 miles round trip each day. The vans have a 7-15-passenger capacity, air-conditioning/heating, AM/FM radio/CD, and depending on the model, may have plug-ins for laptops and reading lights. Vans are usually replaced after 30,000 miles, depending on the route distance.

Vanpooling generally costs a lot less than driving alone. Each passenger pays a monthly fare to ride in the van. Fares are based on the number of average monthly miles per month. The vanpool company provides free preventive maintenance and repair work, as well as a loaner van when yours is in the shop. The driver arranges for scheduled maintenance.

Vanpool Drivers: The drivers are commuters like you who have committed to taking other people to and from work each day. The driver may drive every day or share the driving with a back-up driver. Drivers must be at least 21 years old, with a current California driver's license, and have a clean driving record. Drivers, back-up drivers, and passengers sign a lease agreement. CSUDH arranges to provide parking and arranges a reserved space for the van during business hours. The driver must prepare and submit simple monthly reports on ridership, gas receipts, and miles driven, as well as provide contact information to connect to new riders.

Fares/Fees: Riders pay their monthly fee at the Cashier Office. Employee & Student Transportation Services then sends a check to the vanpool company. The commuter vanpool lease company pays for the van's insurance, including collision and liability, as part of the lease cost.

In most cases, the driver and riders make a month-to-month or annual commitment. The lease is paid in advance each month so you can’t get stuck with a bill. You may leave the vanpool at any time after giving a month's notice.

Pick-Ups/Drop-Offs: Vanpool riders and drivers may set their own policy about pick-up and drop-off locations, but because fares are calculated on miles traveled, we encourage you to choose a central meeting place. Often, Park & Ride Lots and shopping centers will allow their parking lots to be used by vanpool riders.

Sick/Vacation Time: Vanpools are allowed to determine their own rules on sick- or vacation-time. Most often, however, riders are responsible for their fares whether or not they choose to ride the van every day. 

Each van has one or more back-up drivers in case the primary driver cannot drive the van for whatever reason.

If you get sick or have an emergency during the day and need to go home, CSUDH offers a Guaranteed Ride Home Program.

Toro Express

Toro Express operates Monday through Thursday from 7:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., and Fridays from 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Schedules and routes are available on the Toro Express web page.