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The Employee Commuter Reduction Program (Rideshare Program) is mandated by South Coast Air Quality District, Rule 2202, and is in compliance with federal and state Clean Air Acts. The program is based on periodic evaluations; therefore, the university reserves the right to modify or discontinue the program or parts of the program at any time.
The Employee Transportation Coordinator (ETC) maintains this site to enhance employee and student access to rideshare information. This site is continually under development and therefore subject to change without notice. While we endeavor to provide timely and accurate information, we make no guarantees. Use of the information is the sole responsibility of the user.
The material on this site comes from a variety of sources. We do not control or guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of any outside information.
CSUDH Rideshare does not guaranteed rideshare arrangements, and therefore cannot judge the character of a particular driver or passenger, nor the safety of any personal vehicle. CSUDH, its employees, and the Employee & Student Transportation Services are not responsible for damage or injury that may result from a ride arranged through our rideshare service or external agencies.