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With the Governor's signing of AB 1032, law enforcement agencies statewide can no longer void, cancel, or destroy any parking or traffic citation. Only the issuing officer can request the citation to be rescinded under strict guidelines.
Should a party elect to contest a parking citation, the first step is to initiate an Administrative Review. The party cited has twenty-one (21) days from the issue date of the citation to initiate a request for an Administrative Review.
**Important: Do not pay the citation if you initiate a citation appeal.
The Administrative Review is a process in which the issuing officer and his/her supervisor will review the citation. A determination is returned to the requesting party via mail. After receiving the determination, the cited party has twenty-one (21) days from the date of mailing to escalate the appeal to the next level, an on-campus Administrative Hearing.
Please visit the link below to submit an online citation appeal. You will need your citation number or California vehicle plates to look up your citation and initiate your online appeal. Please note you will be directed to another webpage where you will have the option to pay your citation or initiate the appeal process.
If you have any questions please contact our office at (310) 243-3725.
Forms are still available at the links below or in the Parking Services office at SCC-200. Completed forms should be returned to the Parking Services office at between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM, or after hours at WH B-100.
The cited party will request an Administrative Hearing and post the parking penalty. The hearing officer will contact the requesting party and set up an appointment for the conference. The hearings are held on campus on the third Wednesday of every month, between the hours of 3:00 PM and 5:00 PM.
After the hearing, the hearing officer will mail the determination to the cited party. The parking penalty will be returned or refunded. If the citation is deemed valid, the parking penalty will be forfeited. Should the cited party still disagree with the hearing officer's determination, they can file suit in small claims court at the Compton Judicial Court. This is considered the 3rd Level of an appeal.
*Parking Office phone: (310) 243-3725
Pursuant to the California Vehicle Code and CSU Systemwide policy, payment plans are available for those with multiple unpaid parking citations or at least $200 owed. For more information, please contact Jessica Garcia at Parking & Transportation Services in Small College Complex, Room 200, or contact the office via email at or phone at (310) 243-3725.
It is the policy of the CSU that the registered owner or person responsible for parking citations shall be allowed to enroll in a payment plan. This policy has been created in response to changes in California Vehicle Code as a part of Assembly Bill 503 (2017-18).